“By next Christmas, I’ll have a baby or surely I’ll be pregnant… I just know it.” It’s a common thought by many struggling with infertility. Christmas is almost like an annual milestone to gauge the length of your infertility journey. As such, the Holidays can be an emotional time for many. How many pregnancy announcements will be made this Christmas? Who’s going to ask us why we aren’t pregnant or don’t have children yet? How many new babies will be at Holiday parties?
Allow yourself some grace this Holiday Season and focus on what makes you happy and your own self- care. We know that you have other blessings in your life to be happy about, but it’s totally normal to feel that one of the biggest blessings of all, a child, is overshadowing everything else. This Christmas, schedule in some time for your own self-care. Attend the events that make you happy and don’t feel guilty for declining others that could be hard. Focus on others and how you can help them. Reach out for support to family or friends who understand, or even us! Sometimes just having your feelings validated can turn your entire day around.
Know that we have been thinking about you and praying for you always and that you can message us anytime to chat. We are here to lend an ear and listen, share our stories, and offer insight into our own journeys anytime.